Stellar Gift of Death
Progress Bar from Writertopia
New Words: 255
Chapter Twelve total words: 1705
Total words for the first draft: 48,132
What I hate about my writing: The words weren't too hard today. Now the hour I spent on the budget before I got to words, *sigh.*
The Good: *Snort* I made a marathon spreadsheet with the goal to write 7750 words by October 31st. (250 words a day x 31). Thanks to a consistant string of days over 250 words, I surpassed that goal today.
The Bad: My doors are open to enjoy the crisp fall air and low temps. Birds are trying to invade my house through the back door, which has no screen. I have no idea what they are looking for.
Fave line: “Jannuet is the odd gal out. Rejeld knew about the trap. He came there to kill her and said she had to die because she betrayed him. But he didn’t explode her head.”
What I'm looking forward to: Other projects. I have free writing time that I need to spend.
What I'm not looking forward to: Finding those layouts to scan. Clean the office. Clean the kitchen. Build a plate rack.
"Thanks to a consistant string of days over 250 words, I surpassed that goal today."
KLC, that's awesome!! Well done!
Thanks! Didn't make it to the plate rack through. I had forgot about laundry. :p
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