Thursday, October 07, 2010

Stellar Gift of Death Post 38

NPI Day 7: 363 words

Stellar Gift of Death

Progress Bar from Writertopia

New Words: 363 words
Chapter Eleven total: 1932 words
Total words for the first draft: 42,877
What I hate about my writing: Nothing right now, though I'm glad I got a sizable chunk done before getting distracted by redcaps.
The Good: I like the cadence of Zy and Xeryl's verbal battle.
The Bad: I need to build the planets so I can actually have description instead of the bare bones. Also my lunch order getting totally lost. *Sharpens cutlass*
Fave line: Zy blinked. “They didn’t leave last night? After you warned them?” He shook his head. “How else can we help the murderer, give them signs saying ‘Kill me, I’m stupid!’?”
What I'm looking forward to: The conclave.
What I'm not looking forward to: Foraging for lunch because the delivery person is incompetent.


Unknown said...

You know, this could turn into a rockin' YA title.

KLCtheBookWorm said...

I don't read enough YA to know if I'm too graphic or not. I've got more experience in the regular mystery genre.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't worry about that. YA is pretty graphic with the sex and violence.

KLCtheBookWorm said...

Well, I was reading college-level books in the 4th grade, so I never have understood age appropriate anything.

But I have flopped horribly in writing in a genre I don't care about. Right now I'm having enough fun with making it plausible and making it entertaining.