Monday, November 06, 2023

Strix: Forget the Sun NaNo 2023 Metrics 06

6375 / 50000 words. 13% done!

METRICS Previous Word Count: 56,169
New Words: 555
Total words for the first draft: 56,724
NaNo 2023 Cumulative Word Count: 6375
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Not to terrible much. I started a new scene of Peg and Jane bringing Robert home and then the logistics of getting him out of the garage and to his bedroom took over and then I realized I needed to pin down the garage for me. And then I found out that the collection of Stan Hywet Hall photos I have in the Scrivener Project was too large to link together so they needed better organization, so I started that. And then I got curious about the bathroom layout between Jane and Peg’s rooms, but that search while eating led me to another set of floor plans that showed how the service driveway connected to a laundry yard/service area connects to the service areas of Stan Hywet! Saved those floor plans, and I need to find the ones I have written on to update and scan again. Long way around to say, that when Peg and Robert got married seventeen years prior to this novel, she didn’t want to hike to the carriage house for her car. So Robert had a garage built in the cleared space that was that service yard and changed its door into the house, which was probably a task area for cooking or cleaning in the olden days, into a mudroom transition space. So tomorrow when Robert gets out of the car, it won’t be an arduous trek up a lot of steps into the house as well.
Fave line: She clenched her teeth hard on a scream. A bad guy knew more about her family than she did!
What Else I Accomplished Today: I went to Sam’s Club for cat treats and found potential new work pants. I still have to try on and see if they fit.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the description stuff finished so I can move onto ghost-mom and daughter bonding time. Or what the police do when they arrive late at the scene of the fight. Or who Alexander runs into next.
What I'm not looking forward to: Finishing the organization I started.

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