Sunday, November 12, 2023

Strix: Forget the Sun NaNo 2023 Metrics 12

12012 / 50000 words. 24% done!

METRICS Previous Word Count: 59,788
New Words: 625
Total words for the first draft: 60,413
NaNo 2023 Cumulative Word Count: 12,012
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Alexander killed Jirair and is confronting Ywla. I really expected to have more words for the time I have put in this weekend, but focus wasn’t happening today.
Fave line: “Shit.” The non-existent skirt didn’t hinder the woman from scrambling up to standing on her platform heels. “She’s with that freaky biter.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: I poked at the dishes (meaning that yes, I washed, but still have them left to wash. Though I have finally gotten to pans and pots.) The towels got folded and put away. I seem to have a problem with finishing tasks no matter if they are chores or words.
What I'm looking forward to: Figuring out how to make my focus on the store. Maybe I need to add meditation time.
What I'm not looking forward to: Going to work tomorrow.

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