Monday, November 27, 2023

Strix: Forget the Sun NaNo 2023 Metrics 27

27926 / 50000 words. 56% done!

METRICS Previous Word Count: 71,746
New Words: 853
Total words for the first draft: 72,599
NaNo 2023 Cumulative Word Count: 27,926
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Got into another conversation with Peg and her mother’s ghost over how patrol went. I guess Robert may have to play the heavy that their daughter thinks she needs to be a superhero too.
Fave line: Peggy’s ghost smirked at her as she sat on the side of the sofa closest to the bed. “It is May. No where close to Halloween. So the only reason for you to be dressed as Strix was to go into the city as Strix. How did it go?”
What Else I Accomplished Today: Doctor’s visit accomplished, so drugs should be handled for at least six months. And now I know it’s six months time frame. Also made it into paying job, which then proceeded to give me grief by uninstalling a necessary program. I’m still not sure if that will work tomorrow.
What I'm looking forward to: Payday this week!
What I'm not looking forward to: Scrimping until payday.

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