Thursday, November 16, 2023

Strix: Forget the Sun NaNo 2023 Metrics 16

15886 / 50000 words. 32% done!

METRICS Previous Word Count: 62,355
New Words: 563
Total words for the first draft: 62,919
NaNo 2023 Cumulative Word Count: 15,886
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Getting a chunk of the good guys all on the same page. Ferris gives the backstory of him and Sophia. This might work better as a flashback scene; I’m undecided about that right now.
Fave line: His loyalty gives him some extreme ideas, like I was and continue to be unworthy of the gift of Sagara’s powers, so he decided back then to suck it out of me. Has been around since before Persia went Islamic and didn’t remember that draining a drujs is how you trigger the transformation.
What Else I Accomplished Today: My massage and chiropractor appointment, shopping at Sprouts, shopping at PetSmart, picking up curbside from WalMart, getting the litter shipped to me since they never have it inside the store, and shopping at Family Dollar.
What I'm looking forward to: Bedtime.
What I'm not looking forward to: The rest of the list of errands and housework to complete before leaving for Thanksgiving.

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