Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Strix: Forget the Sun NaNo 2023 Metrics 29

29752 / 50000 words. 60% done!

METRICS Previous Word Count: 73,057
New Words: 686
Total words for the first draft: 73,743
NaNo 2023 Cumulative Word Count: 29,752
What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: And poke, poke, poke dragging on the Sagara p.o.v. scene because I’m not happier with an earlier scene and haven’t mastered the skill of writing as if I have already fixed the scene. So finding a new scene and see if I can make some damn words now. Still don’t know what Raven and Ferris have been doing after they couldn’t find Alexander and warn him about Sagara, so I skipped that place holder. Maybe have them go investigate Ladiespoint where Strix was injured, but I think that could get them meeting Peg or Alexander too soon. I ended up on Robert’s dream sequence while he is healing and it has turned into a ball with his dead that Peggy’s ghost will interrupt to give him some boots to the head, but only after he gets some prophecies from Matt Roger.
Fave line: He turned to offer, but it didn’t leave his mouth as he gazed upon Matt Roger lifting a champagne flute to his mouth and taking a sip. “Still don’t have a taste for this dry stuff,” the dead detective said. “But I see you really don’t have space to set up a bartender in here with this crowd. Peggy did promise me I could have an Old Fashion at this affair.”
What Else I Accomplished Today: Getting really annoyed with Texas tolls system and Louisiana DMV. So I got another toll invoice from around Austin. So bully on for this license plate that looks like mine possibly on the same Dodge Stratus that I used to own for driving in the same places as I would except I know better than to get on Texas toll roads in Houston and Austin if I had gone to Texas at all in 2023. Which I have not.

Anyways, it did remind me to call again and see what they needed. That part went smoothly and the other agency sending me an invoice actually sent a second page of what to do if you get an invoice for a car you don’t own. So then I go to Louisiana’s DMV page, select that I want a notice of vehicle transfer, and then get an error because they want a registration expiration date which I don’t have because I traded this car in back in 2018. So call the phone number given on the website for if you’re having problems, and their computer hung up on me “due to high call volume.” So now I have to go back to the DMV on Friday and see now that I’m armed with what the stupid form is called if I can get it in person. Which is what I should’ve been given back when I went in about it the first time but got sent to the dealer instead.
What I'm looking forward to: Hey Matt is offering cryptic statements about Peg dancing with the devil, Alexander. And she really needs to meet a nice boy like his nephew. Okay I am totally using that tomorrow.
What I'm not looking forward to: Going to the DMV on Friday. At least I won’t have this story results looming over my head because Friday is December 1st.

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