Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1833
Total words: 39563
What I hate about my writing: I keep forgetting about the one thing they can’t take off and I need to put it in the descriptions so the reader doesn’t forget about it like I do.
The Good: It’s rolling along now, roughly, but still gathering steam. I have now reached Chapter Eleven in typing, Day 5 since the story started. The whole adventure is covering a month, and I have no idea how many chapters are actually going to be involved when all is said and done. I have forty-nine scenes, but some scenes are getting broken up depending on where I want to put a cliffhanger. Writing draft is still on Chapter Fourteen, but I think I’ve gotten over the hump with that. Got through awkward flashback to nightmare that I wanted to touch on, got through DG’s admission, now I think I can move to something I’ve personally wanted to do ever since seeing the miniseries and I can tie back to Cain’s question on DG’s song choice before ending the chapter.
The Bad: I’m going to strangle my computer slowly and enjoy every second of it. I don’t know what is wrong with Firefox, but it keeps freezing up as I try to read my tabs. None of my other programs have as much “Not responding” crapola as that one program does. It’s not a virus, because I just finished the virus scan last night. But when I take a fifteen minute break to read a few webpages and I spend it waiting for the program to switch to the right tab or load the link I selected instead, cue foaming at the mouth and sitting on my hands cause I will beat my hardware to death if I don’t.
Fave Cain line: “I guess rendering you unable to make sentences is a job well done.”
Fave DG line: “If you get a chance, give me my clothes. Otherwise, I’m not leaving the bed.”
Fave Jenkins line: “Aye, and I appreciate that. You wouldn’t believe the bellyachin’ that comes from this lot.”
What I'm looking forward to: Properly working Firefox!
What I'm not looking forward to: Cleaning the kitchen and getting meals cooked for the week. It’s a new experiement that will hopefully work to save me money and keep me eating healthy.
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