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Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1812
Total words: 52431
What I hate about my writing: Not getting enough time to do it first thing in the morning.
The Good: I finished before Battlestar Galactica! WOOT! And got to Chapter Sixteen.
The Bad: It’s not really bad, but I sure didn’t expect Quincy’s part to explode like it has. Too bad this part is in DG’s POV, because Quincy helping Wyatt Cain with clothes is funny as hell.
Fave Cain line: “He’s lying.”
Fave Jenkins line: “Already done.” He twisted around, spotted Cain and DG standing unobtrusively as possible, and handed over a small money bag. “And take ‘em clothes shopping, Captain.”
Fave Betsy line: “What did you do?” A red line appeared across his shirt sleeve. “Where are the pieces?” A slash ran across his other cheek. “It’ll hurt less if you just stay still.” The material covering his knee split to reveal another red line on his skin. “What did you do?”
Fave Sprite line: “Orders, Captain?”
Fave Pyrite line: “The wedding?” He wilted under her glare. “Well, I figured that “back off or I’ll gut you like a fish’ was friendly pirate banter.”
Fave Quincy line: “Captain Bobbins! Sweetpea, how long has it been?” He embraced her, landing kisses on both her cheeks, before inspecting her attire. “And why did you come looking like that?”
What I'm looking forward to: The Steward’s ball. It’s not going to be what most balls have been in the fandom.
What I'm not looking forward to: Digging my astrolabe out of the pirate garb. The problem is getting to the pirate garb.
Oh and Quincy is played by Hollywood Montrose also knows in real life as Meshach Taylor.

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