Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 977
Total words for part one of draft: 57099
Total words: 63625
What I hate about my writing: I do not understand why it is so much slower to write on the keyboard. It shouldn’t make a difference, yet it always feels like it does.
The Good: I’m almost to the introduction of my last character, who didn’t get a cast picture. Oops. Well, I still have to get to the Granites, but they have pictures.
The Bad: I tweaked the soundtrack and finally listened to it on the morning commute and realized I will have to tweak again. I think I just need to rearrange some of the tracks and not go hunting for more.
Fave Cain line: “No, she ran away.”
Fave DG line: “Well, no one told me there was a formal ceremony to quitting! Announcing it on the Other Side works just fine!”
Fave Betsy line: “What is it with me and royalty? Do I have a magnet or something?”
Fave Sprite line: “Harder now, yes. Necessary, yes. The Captain does not not do necessary because it is hard.”
Fave Shaman line: “That he caused it is a minor detail.”
What I'm looking forward to: Jenkins’s reaction to the truth. *Giggle*
What I'm not looking forward to: Flashback scene. It’s an important flashback, and normally I don’t freak out over them. But this one is bothering me for some reason.
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