Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 507
Total words for part one of draft: 57099
Total words: 60647
What I hate about my writing: Not getting the full hour.
The Good: I was able to keep going on the longhand writing, and have gotten it to Chapter Nineteen. And stuff broke for Spencer earlier than anticipated, which means I will probably have to shove some things around for him.
The Bad: There’s a break in the smut for some plot. Well, not really for the characters; I’m taking a break to concentrate on plot.
Fave Cain line: “Sometimes, you can’t. Sometimes, all you can do is save your own worthless hide.”
Fave DG line: “It’s okay. We understand about survivor’s guilt.”
Fave Betsy line: “Shite, so much for that hope. Take care of him and we’ll take care of the ship.”
Fave Spencer line: “Not them. Back home.” His inhale caused his whole body to shake. “I couldn’t save them. I was supposed to save them!”
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting the Shaman.
What I'm not looking forward to: Eep, getting closer to the flashback scene.
*cheers you on*
Cain's a smart guy. Very smart.
And a break in the smut for some plot. Damn plot. Wait, your plot sounds good... hmm.
Cain's had a few years to figure a few life lessons out before finally going "f- it, revenge is easier." He's so lucky that DG was the one to let him out, and remind him of who he truly is.
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