Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 2791
Total words: 45676
What I hate about my writing: That it’s over for today and I have to do some other things that I have been ignoring.
The Good: I finished the first supper sing-along! I love cut and paste.
The Bad: Now, I’m worried about the stylistic choice I made to put in the narration along with the lyrics. I may have a look at a professional version and change it.
Fave Cain line: “That’s the same for all criminals. What’s in it for me.”
Fave DG line: “I can sing; I just prefer to sing something everyone knows. But if you insist.”
Fave Jenkins line: “Now you put her on the spot. Maybe Mrs. Cain can’t sing.”
Fave Betsy line: “Couldn’t go for anything cheerful, could you?”
Fave Sprite line: “But I like ‘Dark Lady.’”
Fave Spencer line: “We always sing for supper, Mrs. Cain.”
Fave Hodges line: “Most of us have been singing shanties for your entire life.”
What I'm looking forward to: Introducing Nick Pyrite.
What I'm not looking forward to: Battle scenes. Have to keep them exciting and showdown-y and keep them straight for the reader.
Holy crap, I just really looked at my percentage done. I haven't even hit the middle yet. Mathematically according to the number of scenes, that would be the first ship battle coming in six scenes to type. I don't even reach the climax until scene 40! Okay, obviously I spent way too much wordage on getting DG and Cain into the predicament they are in. Or conversely, I can't guesstimate the word count from a Master Story Summary worth shit.
I'm not upset, just really, really surprised by it. According to the Excel Marathon sheet, I will reach 70,000 words on January 27th by my current speed. Now I have to consider the possibility that yes, I will, but the story won't be over then. That realization hadn't hit me in the face before now. It kind of stings.
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