Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1380
Total words: 55643
What I hate about my writing: Not timing my life really well so I have to squeeze it in.
The Good: Well, even when I wasn’t typing, I wrote longhand notes. I still need to describe the Steward’s House through Cain’s eyes, but dialogue and actions are swinging right along.
The Bad: I’m having to lurch back into writing habits.
Fave Cain line: “You do realize that everything that happened in the O.Z. for the past sixteen years could be presented as just political crap?”
Fave DG line: “Are you a pirate or a boy scout?”
Fave Betsy line: “Look, you don’t ask about the past, anyone’s past, ever. I could ask so much about you and Mr. Cain, hell, just about how you are used to fashion that doesn’t appear to match your lover’s station.” DG felt the blood draining from her face. “And how he’s suffering from serious trauma. But I don’t. I can’t. And asking questions like that, letting things slip that you really don’t know, will get you killed.” Betsy turned now, her face twisted with anger and concern. “Don’t do it.”
What I'm looking forward to: The battle at the Steward’s ball. This may end up being back-to-back Cain POV chapters. I’ve already had to do it a couple of times with DG.
What I'm not looking forward to: Ship battle. I hope I can keep the excitement going.
I also got some reference art done! Go me. Betsy's ball gown

DG's ball gown

Steward's House and Grounds layout

Steward's Study, second floor.

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