Progress Bar from Writertopia
Tin Man: Pirates of the Nonestic
New words: 1426
Total words for part one of draft: 57099
Total words: 66815
What I hate about my writing: Actually this is a hate on my computer system. I don’t know why I can’t seem to keep Firefox running with multitabs. This is a very annoying situation that I can’t find an answer to fix.
The Good: I got my word count in forty-five minutes, so I’m not pushing for the full hour today since I have so much else to do.
The Bad: I’m all caught up to the end of my notes and I can’t figure out DG’s head right now. Which is a nice shift; Cain has been the annoying closed-minded one for this story.
Fave Cain line: “Mr. Hodges won’t be eating with us tonight. Put him to bed, please. And you might want to spread the word how handy my wife is with a skillet.”
Fave DG line: “Pregnancy craving, but if you’re going to be nasty about it, you won’t get any cookies.”
Fave Betsy line: “He had his chance, and to put it frankly, he blundered into hot water. Actually, hot is too mild. Volcanic-vent heated water is more accurate.”
Fave Jenkins line: “Every time I think I got a grip on stuff around here….”
Fave Dani line: “Well, if you don’t want me to be part of the conversation, why didn’t you leave me where I wouldn’t hear it?” Dani cackled. “It’s not like I have a choice in the matter right now.”
Fave Hodges line: “You bitch!” He held her arms so she couldn’t swing the skillet again. “You worthless slave slut! I will have that and my money out of your hide!”
What I'm looking forward to: Making-up smut.
What I'm not looking forward to: I have to get through DG’s current issue crisis, the supper sing-along, to the make-up smut, and then the flashback scene. Which will work out great, if I get past DG’s current issue crisis.
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