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Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won: Turbo
New words: 1750
Total words: 15332
What I hate about my writing: I slept right through my alarms. Okay, I guess I really needed the sleep, but not part of the plan today.
The Good: I got heaps of writing done in three hours, broken into fifteen-minute chunks.
The Bad: Three non-continuous hours of writing could have been more if I hadn’t gotten distracted in the middle of the day with a nifty home improvement idea that required measuring and researching. But let’s hear it for cool way to incorporate my old dresser—and old as in it was part of my great-grandmother’s bedroom set—into the bathroom so I don’t have to get rid of it!
Fave Throttle line: “Do I need to have a talk with Vincent on how he should treat my little sis-cuz?”
Fave Roddie line: “I didn’t think the bonehead could be that brave.”
Fave Tala line: “I’ve never had to put a near-death experience on the table before.”
What I'm looking forward to: The rest of Vinnie’s scene that surrounds the flashback.
What I'm not looking forward to: Now I’m having worries that I’m being to Tarintino with the flashbacks. Who is having what flashbacks are not happening in order. :P Great, now I just realized I need to go back and add in a flashback to Turbo’s introduction. The deal is having two events in the past to flashback to: the Biker Mice’s first rescue in 1984 and what happened to Throttle’s parents in 1974 (yes, I use Earth years to make the math easier and yes, I do know that a Martian year has more days than an Earth year but see the earlier point of making the math easy). But the flashbacks are moving backwards through the events, because different portions of the event is impressed into different characters.
What was kind of head scratching about the last flashback I wrote showing the fourteen-year-old Throttle and his Uncle Cutlass is I gave Uncle Cutlass a lot of the cool lines I would have LOVED to have give Tamara, but she could have never given them to Throttle. (I like to think she would have if she had lived.) Hell, Cutlass even got a line from the Evil Jack series, what Throttle tells Hannah when she complains something isn’t fair. Divergent timelines are so much fun, n’est pas?
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