Progress Bar from Writertopia
Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won: Turbo
New words: 1659
Total words: 44543
What I hate about my writing: Having to go back and work in the lyrics I must have. The lyrics that nearly made me stop my car and transcribe them from the car radio when this scene crashed into my head.
The Good: Finished Charley and Throttle’s reconcillation scene and have jumped into Sparks’s head feet first. And being in Sparks’s head is a welcome moment of humor.
The Bad: Being in Sparks’s head also has mucho techno-babble. I hope that doesn’t turn the readers off.
Fave Charley line: “Throttle, I love you, but if you stop and leave….”
Fave Throttle line: “How did I manage to find the only three people in the galaxy crazy enough not to fear Eroite.”
Fave Sparks line: But one did not become a Biker Mouse by following what made sense.
What I'm looking forward to: Sparks and his bike interacting.
What I'm not looking forward to: ONE DAY LEFT! 5465 WORDS LEFT TO WRITE! *Home Alone aftershave scream*
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