Progress Bar from Writertopia
Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won: Turbo
New words: 1377
Total words: 28264
What I hate about my writing:
The Good: It took 27,547 words to finish twenty-three scenes. Do I have enough scenes for the 22,453 words I need to write?
The Bad: It took 27,547 words to finish twenty-three scenes and I only have thirty-three total. TEN LEFT!
Fave Charley line: “Typical. You give a shit about breaking the rules over murdering someone, but you do break the rules to spare your knees.”
Fave Turbo line: “No one escapes the laws of war, bloodshed, and Eroite. Not my mother, not you, not me.”
Fave Throttle line: “And it’s time you had that peace, Turbo.”
Fave Vinnie line: “It’s only a flesh wound, bro. ‘Sides, you got distracted by Charley.”
Fave Modo line: “He fooled us too, Charley-ma’am.”
What I'm looking forward to: The fight scene between Throttle and Turbo.
What I'm not looking forward to: The fight scene between Throttle and Turbo.
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