Progress Bar from Writertopia
Metrics time now that I have actually started writing.
Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won: Turbo
New words: 1796
Total words: 1796
What I hate about my writing: Actually, nothing today.
The Good: I made the word count on the first day, score! Finished the first scene and started on the second.
The Bad: 800 of those words were from the disclaimer and the already written flashback of Vinnie’s. I’m worried about my routine. Today, I spent an hour and fifteen minutes to get to the total, but I broke them into fifteen-minute chunks to not screw my hips and back up by sitting too long at the computer. Would I get done quicker without interrupting myself to stand up and do laundry? And I’m feeling ambivalent about the just completed first scene. Is it the proper place to start the story? Is everyone in character? Is it believable that Throttle and Charley haven’t been anything more than cuddling and kissing in the six months between stories?
Fave Modo line: “Whatever is in your head should just stay there. You let it out and they’re both gonna kill you.”
What I'm looking forward to: A closer to the reality routine I will have to work with tomorrow—i.e. getting up the same time I get up Monday through Friday—and fit in writing with the rest of my morning routine. Today has been an odd day.
What I'm not looking forward to: Getting up at 2 a.m. tomorrow, damn time change.
I feel so freaky about the whole butt in chair. I don’t want to be antsy if antsy is keeping me from getting the words out of my head. But at the same time, I don’t want to tie my body into knots that will need therapy to untie. So is it cheating and resistance if I put the timer on and go for fifteen minutes, then get up and put on a load of laundry or wash a sink of dishes before sitting down for fifteen minutes again? Especially when the chore doesn’t take fifteen minutes to finish?
My safest bet will be to start working out along with NaNo. Urgh, I didn’t want to be tracking that along with tracking words and money and housework. But the only effective way to make sure body is healthy is to use it. *Headdesk What good is winning NaNo if I spend December in traction?
2 am – 3 am = writing time
3 am – 4 am = exercise time
4 am – 5 am = getting dressed puttering around house time
5:30 am – 6 am = leave the house time (if I leave after 6 am I will be late for work)
Damn, this schedule scares me. Is it any surprise that all I want to do when I get home is eat and crawl into bed?
There are tricks I can start doing regularly to make my mornings run smoothly (packing lunch and setting out clothes the night before, etc.). The trick is remembering to do them each night before I go to bed.
Anyways, time to wrap up this post and finish everything else I have to finish for today.
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