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Biker Mice From Mars: Wars Are Won: Turbo
New words: 2105
Total words: 3901
What I hate about my writing: Not with writing, but I’m pretty annoyed I couldn’t get up on time. Time change not working in my favor so far.
The Good: Turbo’s introduction scene is completed. If anything, his issues and personality quirks haven’t come out fully. I think I’ll save his hard-on for gore for a later scene.
The Bad: I was woefully under par on the word count when my first hour was finished. I went ahead and finished the scene in fifteen-minute chunks. That plus getting the lyrics I plan to quote got me 405 words over what I needed to do. Judging by what I’ve done so far, my scenes are running around 850 words and I need to complete two a day in order to keep the word count up. Because I’m now officially out of things to quote, unless I decide to add one more song in. :p
Fave Turbo line: Throttle had Tamara’s motor head all right; it would only be more obvious if they had moved into a Harley-Davidson dealership.
What I'm looking forward to: Charley and Throttle’s spat and his apology scene that comes after Modo knocks some emotional sense into him. Don’t understand the female species? Ask Modo for help, and if he can’t, you are really screwed!
What I'm not looking forward to: Getting up at 2 a.m. tomorrow, damn time change. And keeping Tamara’s identity a secret until the big reveal. It’s cool if a reader guesses before hand, but I really want the emotional wallop. Now I’m curious to see how many people remember the foreshadowing, past-shadowing comment Throttle told Charley in Let Us Give Thanks.
Is anyone else having issues trying to log into the official NaNo site and update their profile? For some reason I keep getting timed out and it takes forever to just get logged in, not even counting getting the site to go to where I need to update word count. Does it run better in IE or something? It’s powered by Drupal; crap, is it just that many people on it? Ah, found the notice on the main page, they hope to have it smoothed out completely by Monday.
Secondary head-scratching moment here: what the hell is up with me and crazy stalkers lately? Let Us Give Thanks and Turbo were planned in all the creepy glory back in 2000, but then I followed that with the Evil Jack series and Ichiro in Tin Man: Dragons and Ninjas. And there’s a thwarted rapist who gets a little obsessive in Tin Man and Pirates story that I started. Zy’s antagonist also obsessive, but not entirely his fault. Hell, even my bad guy in Strix is obsessive, but not in a sexual way thank the gods!
Hmm, I don’t think I’m getting away from it any time soon. Not counting the three listed above that I still have to finish, I still have two more stories to go in the Evil Jack series before Jack meets justice. Then the next story in the Wars Are Won series will feature Karbunkle that I should really consider using his POV for. At least I have thirteen to do in that series that should be more straight up fighting the Plutarkian adventures. But maybe I should expand into a different genre for at least one story, something that encourages different traits in the antagonists.
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